Lihat yang dilakukan.Demi Mendengar ‘Detak Jantung’ Putrinya yang Telah Meninggal, Seorang Ayah melakukan hal yang aneh.

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  • Sudah lima bulan sejak Bill Conner kehilangan putrinya yang berusia 20 tahun, Abbey.
  • Sejak saat itu, dia merasa perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk memberi penghormatan kepada kehidupannya yang singkat.
  • Pada 22 Mei silam, sehari setelah putrinya Austin lulus dari perguruan tinggi, Conner mengendarai sepeda dan mulai membawa melintasi negara bagian.
  • “Inilah yang dia (putrinya) ingin lakukan,” kata Conner kepada CBS News.

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  • Conner ingin menjelajahi 2.250 km dari kota asalnya Madison, Wisconsin ke Fort Lauderdale, Florida untuk mengunjungi Broward Health Medical Center, sebuah rumah sakit yang membantu memulihkan organ Abbey untuk mendapatkan sumbangan pada Januari silam.
  • Biara dan kakaknya ditemukan tak sadarkan diri di kolam resort selama liburan musim dingin di Cancun.

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  • Ketika mereka ditemukan, Biara sudah dihadapkan pada masalah cedera otak ireversibel.
  • Biara kemudian diterbangkan ke Fort Lauderdale, di mana ia dibantu dengan bantuan mesin untuk bertahan hidup sehingga organ tubuhnya bisa ditransfer oleh dokter untuk disumbangkan.
  • Pada usia 16, setelah mendapatkan SIM, Abbey memutuskan untuk menjadi donor organ. Ini adalah masalah yang dibahas sebelumnya oleh keluarganya.
  • “Dia (Abbey) telah mendaftarkan diri. Mungkin dia sudah lama menyadarinya, “kata ayahnya.
  • “Jika dia (Biara) adalah teman Anda, tentu saja dia akan menyalakan tulang untuk membantu, dan dia akan membantu mereka yang membutuhkan, karena itu cocok untuknya.”
  • Pria dari Lafayette, Louisiana, Jack Loumonth, Jr. 21 tahun telah diserang dengan penyakit jantung berat dan dihitung hari. Dia akan mati jika dia tidak mendapat bantuan segera.
  • “Dia hanya diberi waktu 10 hari untuk hidup,” kata Conner.

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  • Tapi dengan keajaiban dan Biara, dia (Laoumonth Jack, Jr.) berusaha untuk hidup.
  • “Abbey menyumbangkan empat organ, memungkinkan empat pria berusia 20 sampai 60 tahun untuk bertahan hidup,” kata Conner.
  • Biara juga telah menyumbangkan mata dan jaringan lain.
  • Ketika Conner mengatakan kepada pusat sumbangan Florida yang mengelola organ Abbey dia ingin melakukan penghormatan untuk memberi penghormatan.
  • Kelompok tersebut mengedarkan surat kepada setiap penerima organ dan menanyakan apakah mereka tertarik untuk bertemu dengan sang ayah.
  • “Orang yang merespons adalah Jack Jr., penerima organ,” kata Conner.
  • Conner telah diberi informasi untuk terhubung dengan Jack Jr., sebelum mereka mengatur sebuah pertemuan di Baton Rouge pada Hari Ayah, 1.400 mil di sepanjang perjalanan Conner 2250 mil.
  • Saat Conner bertemu Jack Jr. Siang itu, dia sama kenal dengan itu.

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  • “Dia hidup karena Abbey, dan Abbey tinggal di dalam dirinya. Hatinya (biara) memungkinkan dia berdiri tegak, “kata Conner.
  • “Saya sangat bahagia untuk dia dan keluarganya, dan pada saat bersamaan, saya bisa bertemu lagi dengan anak perempuan saya.”

  • Internet
  • Setelah berbagi pelukan lama, Jack Jr. mengeluarkan stetoskop sehingga Conner bisa mendengar degupan anaknya sejak kematiannya pada Januari silam.

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  • Mereka berdua mengeluarkan air mata setelah mendengarnya.

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  • “Dia (Abbey) telah menyelamatkan saya, dan saya tidak dapat memanfaatkan jasanya. Kuharap aku punya tapi tidak, “Jack Jr. mengatakan kepada CBS di Baton Rouge.
  • “Yang bisa saya lakukan adalah menyampaikan kasih sayang kepada keluarganya.”

  • Internet
  • Keluarga Conner membuat rekaman detak jantung Jack untuk mendengar Conner sebagaimana adanya.
  • Setelah menghabiskan waktu bersama, Conner terus menyebarkan dan memublikasikan pentingnya sumbangan organ, dan menceritakan kisah putrinya sepanjang perjalanannya. (rp)

Do you know that college graduates earn on an average twice as much in earnings over a lifetime of working than those who only complete a high school diploma? As our society becomes more and more technologically enhanced, education and skills will be the driving force of the 21st century workforce. Whether going back to school to complete a degree, upgrading for a new position or starting a new career, online college courses can be your first step to a new future. The value of a degree according to the recently released data from U.S. Census Bureau's Value of college degree: US Government Info, proving the substantial value of a college education in the United States. It showed that workers over the age of 18 with bachelor degrees earn an average of $51,206 a year, while those with a high school diploma earn substantially less averaging about $27,915. Further the report also indicates that advanced degree workers make an average of $74,602 annually compared to those without a high school diplomas averaging $18,734. However, finding time to attend classes even on weekends and evenings does not always provide the time needed out of hectic schedules for the "on-campus" experience. From taking Suzy to school to the parent's meeting after Johnny's football or little league practice, to Beth needing an emergency dentist appointment, your daily busy schedule does not allow for a scheduled classroom setting at a designated time and place. Or maybe the classroom setting is just not a right match for you as a learner you need the unrestricted freedom of learning without walls. You want to be in control of when, how and what you learn and when you attend class, do assignments or complete courses. An online college where you can acquire or improve skills with online courses may be the answer. Maybe you just need to update your knowledge to keep up to date with the latest developments and trends of your field or your new career path. That next position or the new department opening is just out of reach because your last training is outdated, but your work schedule won't allow for scheduled classroom opportunities. An online school or online college courses may be just the answer to this dilemma. Online schools offer unique opportunities for growth in current or new areas needed to get that promotion or next job. If getting a degree seems to be a daunting task you may want to start with online college courses. Taking an online course is an excellent way to experience a new field, learn the requirements for that field and acquire a sense of your ability and enjoyment of your newly selected career path. Further, an online course can be structured to your specific learning style. Testing the waters with several online courses in areas of interest will help you determine your next step with your online education. Earning your degree from a first-class accredited online school may be the alternative you are looking for to start your new career. With a "at you own time" environment and financial aid and grants readily available, especially for women and moms returning to school, online degrees are being well accepted by potential employers who no longer differentiate between "online or on campus" as qualified applicants for potential positions. Today's online education and course offerings provide a wide range of choices from Culinary Arts to Elementary and Secondary Education to MBA's at a selection of online colleges that can meet your specific needs. However, students choosing to earn their degree from online college need to ensure that the online schools being considered are accredited by a reputable accreditation authority. Accreditation is the official recognition of institutions by the US Department of Education and carries credibility with potential employers. Accreditation can be verified by checking with the Accreditation Guide to Online Education - or the U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs. Once you have verified accreditation from and number of online colleges you can begin the application and selection process. Whether you are starting a new career or expanding your current career into new and exciting areas an online education may be right for you. Freedom of class selection, structure of learning the information, and time are the main foundation of the online experience. For further information about accredited online college education opportunities see Online Colleges to begin your journey into increasing your personal confidence, pride and financial stability that an online college education provides. For additional information on Financial Aid see How to Fund Your Online Education. My Colleges and Careers helps students connect with the best schools to earn their college degree and embark on a rewarding career! A powerful resource for individuals of all walks of life, My Colleges and Careers connects people with the programs that help them earn degrees on campus or online. Article Source: Article Source:


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