Dihampiri Gadis Perempuan Setiap Hari Saat Bagi Takjil. Ternyata Kisah Pilu Dibaliknya Bikin Nafas Sesak

  • Seorang anak kecil harusnya hanya mengetahui belajar atapun bermain. Namun hal ini tak berlaku bagi bocah gadis yang harus memikul beban berat dengan berjualan tisu di area stasiun kereta. Mirisnya, jika tidak habis maka orangtuanya akan memarahinya.
  • Kisah bocah ini diceritakan oleh salah satu pengguna Facebook bernama Elyudien dalam postingannya ia menceritakan bagaimana seorang gadis cilik berjuang berdagang hingga jam 12 malam.

  • Dalam kisahnya Elyudien menceritakan bagaimana pertemuan dengan gadis ini. Saat itu ia sedang menunggu kereta di Stasiun Cawang dan membagi-bagikan takjil gratis lalu ia dihampiri oleh seorang gadis tak beralas kaki alis nyeker dan ransel di pundaknya.
  • Dilansir dari Hetanews.com, kisah gadis kecil berkerudung penjual tisu ini sudah dibagikan sebanyak 7ribu kali dan sudah mendapat 15 ribu lebih menyematkan emoji.

  • Selama empat hari gadis ini menghampirinya lalu bertanya dengan pertayaan yang sama dan setiap ditawari air mineral dan takjil kurma gadis ini selalu menggeleng dan menjauh pergi.
  • “Om jualan yah?”
  • Tanya gadis kecil 9 tahun kepadaku di Stasiun Cawang Jakarta, pada suatu sore jelang magrib.
  • Gadis itu tak beralas kaki alias nyeker.
  • “Nggak. Mau?” jawabku sambil menawarkan air mineral dan takjil kurma.
  • Gadis kecil itu menggeleng, dan menjauh pergi.
  • Namun di hari ketiga, gadis kecil ini menghampiri lagi dan akhirnya menerima pemberian takjil tersebut. Dalam sekian kalinya bertemu oleh anak kecil ini ia pun mengajak ngobrol sang anak.
  • “Om bagi-bagi gratis yah?” tanyanya.
  • “Iya, adek mau?” tanyaku.
  • Ia mengangguk dan mengambil sebotol air mineral dan kurma pemberianku. Kemudian pergi menjauh.
  • DIketahui, dalam ranselnya ada 20-40 bungkus tisu yang harus ia jual sepulang sekolah di stasiun Cawang, padahal rumah gadis tersebut di Depok.
  • Jika dagangannya tidak habis sang ayah akan memarahinya. Gadis ini pun menunggu hingga kereta terahir beroperasi sekitar jam 12 malam.
  • Mendengar cerita Amel, nama gadis itu, Elyudien merasa tertampar karena sedih.

The ever increasing applicability of the internet nowadays put a great impact on the performance of education. You will notice that almost all homework and projects can now be researched with a simple click of the World Wide Web. Multimedia tasking, research assignments and the like can now be accessible with the use of the internet. Because of this breakthrough in technology, online course programs such as distance learning now has the ability to place an impact on college campuses by making the students go online to do their research. Because of the internet, traditional classroom discussions, exams, lectures, as well as multimedia presentations can now be accessed through the computer. Higher Education An online course programs is another way of promoting higher education. Almost all, if not all, of educational needs are available in the internet. The student however, has to have a deeper understanding and comprehension about online research in order to know the advantages as well as disadvantages that online college course programs may offer. Controlling Time With these online college course programs, you have more control over your time. You are able to manage your time wisely and effectively because the work the class is supposed to be doing depends on your individual schedules as compared to the class work done in traditional classrooms and traditional teaching. With online college course programs, you do not set the time you will be needed in the internet. Those who have trouble waking up early in the morning will benefit much from this method. Flexibility of time is best utilized with online college course programs. Geography Geographically speaking, these online course programs will help students value and use efficient time. Gas consumption is minimized. Students who live far will no longer have to worry about commuting or being late in class. Noted With online college course programs, there will be no notes taking. This is another advantage to having an online college course program. Students with short attention spans will be able to benefit from this as well because the lectures are done with the online courses. Discussions Most of the discussions are presented with the technology savvy internet methods. Presentations and other multimedia learning processes are utilized by the professor in the promotion of better and more efficient learning. One advantage is that there are no dress codes. Online college degree programs will benefit also those who are not that active in classroom discussions. For more great information about an online college degree [http://www.youronlinedegreecenter.com/], and online education degrees [http://www.youronlinedegreecenter.com/3/online-education-degrees/] visit our site today. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Elija_James/293424 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5733677


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